On the Wing: Butterfly Walk


On the Wing: Butterfly Walk


August 10, 2024    
10:30 am - 12:00 pm


Bookings closed


Kirby Nature Center
2 E Main St, Addyston, OH, 45001

Event Type

Map Unavailable

Admired the world over, butterflies are treasured for their beauty and grace. This walk will focus on finding and identifying butterflies on the various plants found at Kirby Nature Center. You will learn how to best attract them to your yard too.

Dr. Glenn Crisler II, PhD., is an amateur lepidopterist who hails from Brookhaven, Mississippi. He moved to Cincinnati, OH after completing his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry in 2019.

In addition to being an Analytical Chemist, Glenn is also passionate about nature and lends his expertise with others by leading outdoor naturalist hikes and delivering lectures for various state parks and societies. Some of Glenn’s work is published in the journal News of the Lepidopterist’s Society, a journal dedicated to the study of Lepidoptera.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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