There are so many ways to Volunteer to help the Western Wildlife Corridor maintain and grow our preserved natural greenspaces. Whether you’re a skilled professional, or a young adult just starting their working career, we’d love your help!
Habitat Restoration

Become a Preserve Monitor
Believe it or not, it can take a lot of time just to keep eyes on all of our preserves. Most of our preserve monitors came to us because they were already hiking the trails several times a week. It’s extremely valuable for us to have eyes and ears on the ground to watch for things like changing environmental conditions, downed trees, or illegal dumping. If you live nearby or regularly hike in any of our preserves, we’d love to hear from you! Send us an email for more information.

Trail Building and Maintenance
One of the ways we foster a connection with nature is to invite people to walk among it. And that means blazing new trails and maintaining existing trails. Join us for a work session and learn how to build enjoyable and sustainable hiking trails. Email us for more information.

A big part of our mission is education, and Western Wildlife Corridor is fortunate to have so many experts amongst our membership and leadership. Geologists, botanists, entomologists, biologists, scientists, engineers, and outdoors experts are all active in our group and instrumental in our continued success. If you have a skill, expertise, or knowledge that you think our membership would appreciate, or that would help advance our mission, let us know! We’d love to have you host a seminar or lead a hike or even create a program for our members!

You’d be surprised how many of our neighbors haven’t heard about the good work we do. And hey, sometimes we have a hard time bragging about it. You can help us by spreading the word, helping with mailers and newsletters, helping with website upkeep, and just generally helping us find an ever-increasing audience.

Lend your Professional Expertise
It takes a lot of work behind the scenes to keep Western Wildlife Corridor humming along. Accountants, lawyers, scientists, engineers, designers, IT and web gurus, mapping and GIS experts, and real estate experts are all instrumental in helping us grow. Our Board of Trustees and committees are all run by volunteers and we could use your help. Our current active committees include: Land Stewardship, Events, Membership, Fundraising, and Playscape.
We also currently have several ad-hoc committees working on specific short-term projects. Drop us a line to find out more about how you can get involved in leading us forward!

Volunteering with Western Wildlife Corridor is fun, productive, and rewarding. Whether you just need to log hours for a degree or certification, or you need something to do in your down time, or you’re looking to expand your personal or professional network, we have opportunities for just about anyone.